Putrajaya hospital FPP baby delivery experience

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Wednesday 26 June 2024 7:56 pm
30,375 Total Views

putrajaya FPP

I recently had baby delivery in Putrajaya Hospital FPP (full paying customer) program whereby it is government hospital, but by paying a reasonably cheap amount, you get to have baby delivered via specialist doctor of your choice in the hospital. In Putrajaya, there is only 3 doctor you can choose: Dr Hazim(head of dept), Dr Azim and a Malay lady doctor. I went on a Friday afternoon when they have a session for all who want to join this program to book your doctor and to be brief on the charges etc. I went to Friday session not knowing which doctor are avail for choosing nor which doctor I want. At the end, i chose Dr Hazim solely cos overhearing ppl attending the Friday session say Dr Azim like to propose Caesarean.

They did proposed caesarean due to my age(close to 40) and also cause not have baby for long time after married(maybe >2-3 years consider long for them?). Anyway I request to try vaginal birth due to I not have any health issue(gestational diabetes etc) but only my advancing age, and thank God bb come out 8hours after induced, which is really fast I think for first bb.

Total delivery fee for vaginal birthday(with vacuum) with 2 night stay, ie 1 day prior delivery and 1 day post delivery: 3k.

My bb did stayed in special care nursery (SCN) for 5 days after birth due to some issue and had to be administered 5 days antibiotics, and that is under government, not FPP, for only <RM100. The SCN is very well equip, clean and pleasant environment, they are many baby inside, maybe ~ 30+ visiting permit for either mother or father at a time at visiting hours(afternoon/dinner time).

Overall, my experience is not bad, one of the reason I go putrajaya for delivery is due to many good comments on FPP program, and don’t have to be “slaughtered” in private due to my age la… BLA BLA…  😀

putrajaya FPP

The wait for room to stay on day prior to induction/labour is quite long and tiring, we went very early morning and can’t recall but I think 3/4pm only gotten a room. I bought a lot for eating from their canteen while waiting for them in hospital for their callback once room available, prob ate lots due to tired, suspect I gain 2 kg from eating that day lol… My weight on delivery day was 84kg, weight before pregnant was 64kg. Now 74kg with bb is 11 months. Still fat

putrajaya FPP

They is a visiting hours. My hub stayed with me (after delivery) as managed to get the more expensive room(~RM300). Prior to delivery, have to stay my own as not able to get the executive room. I was alone in 3 bedded room, nice not have to share, but the room is freezing and no way to lower the Aircon as it is centralized air con

putrajaya FPP

putrajaya FPP

Simple food provided on morning before induced at 8am. Just enough cos my mum tapao chee cheong fun, which I later ate, but puke out, due to very uncomfortable contraction after induced.

putrajaya FPP

Monitoring contraction

putrajaya FPP

Light contraction

putrajaya FPP

Very uncomfortable contraction

putrajaya FPP

Would have gone to their antenatal class if I known it is available

putrajaya FPP

putrajaya FPP

Only RM150

putrajaya FPP

putrajaya FPP

The agenda of antenatal class looks very informative

Hospital bag

Bring lots pillow(big and small), the bed in putrajaya is hard and sink in middle

cotton bud/konny baby/recycle bag

Practice route to hospital, where to park

KKIA pink book



Pyjamas(1 piece dress, 2 piece-Button front)

Underwear, nursing bra

Disposable panties

Breast pump



$ small change for buying fr vending machine

Hairbrush(contraction used etc). Didn’t remember to use… lol

Toothbrush,floss, tothpaste



Maternity sanitary pad&normal pad

plastic bag(garbage,dirty cloth

Breast pad

Nursing bra

Scarf(cold in hospital)

Comfortable daywear

Snack(nuts,drinks-isotonic, bottle water, milo packet, hot water bottle, cup,plain cracker)

Handphone, charger




Vitamin (new obimin)

Cloth for go home


One pieces sleepsuit

One piece body suit


Milk bottle

Baby oil(to clean baby)

Swaddle cloth 120*120

Baby sock+glove




Baby blanket

Nappy cream

Baby wipe

Cardigan(going home for keeping warm)

Baby bottle


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