My favourite ice cream: Breyer’s

Posted by vivien | Product | Monday 17 October 2022 8:58 pm
26,713 Total Views

finally my favourite ice cream from my study days in Canada is found is Malaysia

i always buy their Natural vanilla ice cream with specks of vanilla bean(the lower left pictured below), very yummy when paired with fresh strawberries, which I always do.

it is cheaper than haagen daaz, and quite almost equally yummy, not too sweet, not too airy(which most cheaper ice cream are) and you can also see ingredient list of their vanilla ice cream is among those with shortest list of ingredient which is a good thing, mainly made of fresh milk & cream.

Breyers ice cream

Breyers ice cream

cost RM40++ for 1.4L (cheaper than Haagen Daaz), so far I can only find it in Jaya Grocers in pearl point, and not other branches of JG.

Breyers ice cream Breyers ice cream Breyers ice cream We tried also the chocolate flavor, tasted just ok, prefer the vanilla one


Cheetos puffs

Posted by vivien | Product | Friday 6 August 2021 8:20 pm
27,867 Total Views

Cheetos puff.

A bit sweet when I expect it to be salty-cheesy, find the much cheaper Cheezel is much better, goodbye Cheetos puffs


Bought from Jaya grocer for RM15.50


Nugget review: Marina, Ayamas, First Pride, Tesco Lotus(original and spicy),EB

Posted by vivien | Product | Saturday 17 July 2021 2:27 pm
32,920 Total Views


This is only breaded nugget, I think tempura style taste better. My preferred style of cooking is using oven. The above breaded chicken nugget end up tasting dry and forgetable. Below is how it looks like:



Thereafter, I started buying tempura style, ie First Pride Home Spiced tempura chicken nugget and Ayamas crispy chicken nuggets tempura


Above left is first pride, above right is Ayamas. Ayamas one looks pale, and appearance of first pride definitely looks better


Left First Pride looks orangey, I guess they added some spice and coloring. Ayamas can be skip, taste is not as good as First pride, it is not just because First Pride has spice, but I think Ayamas has some “instant noodley” kind of taste which doesn’t taste good


Above are Tesco Lotus original and spicy nugget. I find the spicy one is a bit too spicy. Bottom 4 are original, top 5 pieces are nugget. I find their nugget are harder(prob due to higher chicken meat content) compared to first pride which is more juicy and prob less chicken.

Here is Lotus / Tesco packaging
marina cheese nugget

marina cheese nugget

marina cheese nugget

Above right is First Pride Home spiced chicken nugget, above left whitish is Marina’s cheddar cheese chicken nugget, which taste is mild, in fact not much taste or cheese.

I like first pride home spiced chicken nugget cos it is softer (flavorfully spiced instead of tesco spicy one which is cili-spicy only)

Below is Marina original with EB tempura nugget. Both have similar texture, soft like First Pride’s. Marina one just have slight slight odd pepperish which not that nice. EB one is quite nice though it is very small packet and quite expensive
eb nugget

eb nugget

eb nugget

Overall, I prefer First Pride home spiced, the Tesco original and EB brand one. Ayamas is a definite no no though I had fond memory of it


Tesco ridge cut potato chips

Posted by vivien | Product | Thursday 6 May 2021 11:18 pm
41,479 Total Views

My favourite ridge cut chips, I find it a great stand-in for the much more expensive Lays ruffles chop. This is only RM1.99

This is one of my must buy when visiting Tesco. Their house brand sardine are pretty good and much cheaper than Ayam brand.



Mango: Aiwen / Iwen

Posted by vivien | Product | Sunday 11 April 2021 8:02 pm
25,735 Total Views

Previously I have reviewed and ranked elephant tusk and waterlily over chokonan and thai black gold.

Haven’t had elephant tusk for awhile, however my current favourite is Waterlily and aiwen

Aiwen has a very distinct appearance, it is reddish and will get more reddish as it ripes, it is quite expensive in The Store RM 9.50/kg so I only got 1 piece



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