Recipe: making salted egg

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Saturday 10 August 2019 4:42 pm
32,075 Total Views


Here I am using chicken egg, which result is not good at all. I have tried using duck egg, and it is superb, egg yolk is nice sandy texture, with reddish old. I find putting in a dark cupboard for 23 days is enough. Don’t use chicken egg, mine after 23 days has mixed result, some just ok, some still like original chicken egg, i think it is due to duck egg being more porous, so chicken egg might take longer time to be salted etc…

Above, i fill one cup with cheap rice wine, can get from NSK, brand is “Fa Ta” gourmet cooking wine, around RM5 – 7 only. Soak each egg for around 3 minutes, then coat them in fine sea salt (must be fine one, as these are the most salty kind of salt :P) Put one cling wrap, then PUT MORE SALT AROUND the egg, before wrapping them as tight as you can in cling wrap, then try one of the egg after 23 days.

Very easy, and no need to cook salt water, wait for them to cool down etc. Try it



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