Sencha from Teramachi-dori Nijo, Japan

Posted by vivien | Product | Sunday 26 October 2008 12:52 pm
10,074 Total Views

My colleague brought back this tea from his Japan trip. This can cost bout RM60. According to him, there is generally 4 grades of tea/green tea? And this sencha is one of the sub-grade in the 3rd grade, 1st grade being the best in quality. Apparently, Teramachi-dori Nijo is among one of the famous tea shops there, just like Purple Cane is to Malaysia.
Direction for taking this tea. For first steeping, it takes about 1 minutes, we steep it a minute too long that time, and it taste bitter, never knew they is such details step on tea making… anyway, not my cuppa tea to learn these technique 😉


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