Alexis Bangsar Baru

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Saturday 8 August 2009 8:53 am
10,476 Total Views

environment in the restaurant
cup cakes from Delectables, The Gardens Shopping mall, 3 cup cakes for RM28.
Website: Delectable
Blog: Delectable
Mobile: 012-5081 855
Address: S-213, Level 2, The Gardens Mall, Midvalley City
Appetisers: wantons, fried calamari, mushroom with french toast
cod fish with mash potatoes
chicken escalope, thyme infused fillet of chicken, rocket and roasted cherry tomatoes, RM35
beef burger with fries
pesto spagetti
Alexis is famed for their tiramisu, refer to my previous visit to this restaurant, they have four branches: bangsar baru, alexis ampang, bangsar shopping centre and mid valley city’s The Gardens shopping mall.


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