Dubrovnik Croatian restaurant, Mont Kiara Solaris, KL

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Monday 1 February 2010 10:39 pm
13,833 Total Views

Note: Dubrovnik restaurant is closed ):


Dubrovnik is a country located in the southernmost part of  the sunniest Croatian tourist region.

another viewappetiser menu

appetizer menu

pizza menu


stove top dishes

stove top dishes: chicken, lamb, steak etc

dessert menu


bread and salsa

complimentary bread and salsa

due color soup

Due Colori soup, asparagus+ cauliflower soup, RM16, taste just alright, prefer their mushroom soup.

lamb croatia

Lamb Croatia, RM48, very nice, they use two types of pepper: black and green. The lamb is done just right, very yummy, extra pepperish cream sauce in glass was polished off.

chili and tabasco

spicy pepper for pizza

seafood pizza

wood oven pizza: Pizza alla Pescatore(seafood pizza), RM27, skin is too thick, very filling dish.

very nice food, one of my favourite restaurants.

Address: Dubrovnik

J-0G-14, Solaris Mont Kiara,

No.2, Jalan Solaris,

Kuala Lumpur

Price: 10% Service charge + 5% tax

Telephone: 03-6203 6780


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