Recipe: Tapioca Flour Cheese Bun

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 28 February 2010 7:18 pm
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Recipe taken from King Arthur Flour website – Baker’s Banter. Making parmesan cheese bun using tapioca flour, suitable for gluten intolerant people. No proofing of dough required, super quick recipe, but i don’t like the taste or texture of the finished product :\

butter and milk, to be boiled

2 eggs and some chopped garlic

mix in boiling butter-milk mixture into tapica flour, then mix in chopped garlic and grated parmesan cheese to form the elastic dough above.

add in egg slowly, it will form a lumpy mixture as above

puffing up in the oven

finished product

above is shown cross section of the cheese bun, i overturn the bun, crispy thin at the bottom, and thick starchy/sticky at the top, don’t like it, find the taste too milky(from milk and butter), and not fan of the starchy/sticky texture and crispy bottom. It didn’t turn out as luscious as the one shown in Baker’s Banter, but that could also be due to me mixing using hand most of the time, didn’t use electric mixer to mix the lumpy mixture till smooth

Another experiment… wanted some cheesy soft bun, but it turns out quite milky(that could also be due to i only put in half the amount of cheese specified :P), but still the texture is a turn off…


1 Comment

  1. Comment by EFB — March 3, 2010 @ 1:23 am

    Yes, the texture will improve when using a mixer. Thank you for trying this GF recipe! EFB @ KAF

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