Recipe: Atlantic Beach Pie

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Friday 19 December 2014 5:17 pm
37,905 Total Views


originally recipe specifies to use saltine crackers, but it is difficult to find here and crazy expensive, so substitute it with Jacob’s cream cracker which work out just fine


use a food processor to crumb it up. Here me without one will make do with pound it fine from outside a plastic bag. It has to be quite fine, mine is pretty coarse which cause the “pie crust” to “float” and not stick together properly.


Like so, this is a failed one, the cracker float up too much causing only one side of the pie with lemon curd visible. The taste is still there, but one side of the pie is more of mushy lemony paste.


The above is a better one when i made it the second time


Top with whipped cream and sea salt, yummy-creamy-crispy-salty-sweet-cold dessert


Recipe taken from Food52 Bill Smith Atlantic Beach Pie



Above is the tested of the recipe in metric, namely for 3 small tarts, we could use below recipe:

132g condensed milk

42g lemon juice

3 egg yolk

Double boil the whole mixture while beating with a whisk, if the mixture is not thick enough, add more egg yolk to thicken it, ie by beating the egg yolk separately, then adding some of the warm mixture to it, once the egg yolk is “tempered” to almost same temp as mixture, mix the egg yolk into the double-boil-mixture.


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