Car Tyre Shop Recommendation: C.K.L Auto Centre Sdn Bhd, Jalan Ipoh

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Monday 20 April 2015 9:34 pm
62,754 Total Views


went pick up the tayar shop worker to house to take my tire rim to be replaced with one of their spare tire so that i could drive to tire shop to change all 4 tyres


new tyre


C.K.L Auto Centre is just next to Proton service centre


business hour

After 6++ years (3 out of 4 of my tyre actually purchased on May 2007, which makes 3 of my car tyre almost 8 years old), I really need to change them and have been procrastinating and 2 of them finally puncture without me even realizing, only notice they are punctured when parked in house, have to call a few tyre shop and decided to purchase them (Continental CC5 165-55-14) at RM660 for 4 pcs from C.K.L. Auto Centre, ie RM165 per pc. They provide good service and no charge for house-visit as i found out my spare tyre is actually leaking air even after filling it with air in petrol station and not able to drive to the their shop. Normally house visit will incur RM20 service charge

Before trying out this tyre shop, i also called to Perkhidmatan Tayar Bateri Hong Leong, batu 5, Jalan Ipoh, but they don’t carry Continental and charge RM150 for Silverstone, whereas the usual shop i normally visit – Chuan Ann Tayar near Segambut charge only RM125 per pc for Silverstone. But due to the fact Chuan Ann no longer sell Continental tyre which mine was purchased from, i went to C.K.L instead for this time.

In conclusion, 2 shops of tire shop near Jalan Ipoh/Segambut which i recommend are C.K.L. and Chuan Ann, below their contacts

Address: Syarikat Chuan Ann Tayar & Bateri (K.L.) Sdn Bhd, they mostly only carry Silverstone and Goodyear
Lot 154 A, Jalan Segambut, 51200 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: 03-6251 1996

Address: C.K.L. Auto Centre Sdn Bhd (Cawangan Jalan Ipoh), mostly carry Continental and Vikings
Lot 6193, Jalan Ipoh, Batu 4 1/2, 51200 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: 03-6258 1277
Business hour:
Monday – Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 8am – 4:30pm


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