Alexis, The Gardens Mall, midvalley city

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Friday 24 December 2021 4:19 pm
22,112 Total Views
Some online say their Sarawak laksa (RM36) is big portion and very tasty. Quite nice, but nothing outstanding that I would order again.
Citrus risotto (arborio rice with grilled prawn and Chevril), RM52
The dish looks very simple, but very delicious, the rice has parmesan-umami taste without being heavy

Tiramisu, RM19, we also had their pavlova, RM21, but there is not enough cream on it :/ Their tiramisu also doesn’t comes with strawberry sauce by default (extra charge for the sauce). self reminder to try their other cakes next time instead of always both of these popular choice (unless their pavlova has lots cream)


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