Lady Beautiful 2010 Fair, PWTC (2-5 September 2010)

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Sunday 5 September 2010 5:13 pm
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Above are all freebies except the ones of top right corner (black head remove Lotion + mask pack and Beauty Diary Sheet mask-11pcs on clearance for only RM29)

Location: Tun Razak Hall 4 Level 4, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur

Website: Lady Beautiful Facebook

Post by other blogger:

All that glitters isn’t gold

Whatever stuff in my life


International Beauty Expo (IBE), KL Convention Centre (22 May 2010 Saturday)

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Sunday 6 June 2010 8:13 pm
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25,330 Total Views

Left: nail arts

Right: nail polish from The Beauty Avenue

Left: Choice of color

Right: RM10 only for nail color, there is another booth promoting spa where they do manicure + colour only RM10

Left: the nail colorist is actually a person who do facial, they are short of man power

Right: Famous hair stylist from Taiwan

Post by other blogger:

Casley’s World

luvever80 (in chinese)


Beauty9 Expo, 9th presentation of South East Asia’s Largest Expo and Trade Platform for Beauth and Therapheautic Professionals

Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Sunday 11 October 2009 9:03 pm
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26,327 Total Views

riverview pwtc near the mall

This beauty fair happening Oct 9, 2009(Friday) till Oct 12, 2009(Monday) at PWTC, only Saturday and Sunday’s  fair is open for public, last year’s fair is held entirely on weekday, but this year is happening over weekend… yay… entrance is RM10 for non beauty professionals.

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waxing hand, the wax is slightly warm to touch

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put on a piece of cloth, peel off, wala, hairs gone

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the liquid wax to the left if for armpit etc, places which can’t be reached by the roller wax gadget in previous photo, the above wax heating machine cost about RM900, able to hold a wax container, and 3 wax roller gadgets.

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body sculpting wear by Lytess from France, the black one on the left cost RM500-RM600, so expensive!

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the package, claim to anti cellulite/anti-orange peel, has micro rubbing fabric knitting which patented technology works as it rubs against your skin.

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quality mask product from Sensoieur France, it is mask in power form.

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Taiwan’s Organic beauty bank selling beauty products. 

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ultrasonic skin firmer which seems to be all the rage now, using ultra sound and infra-red to firm and slim face and other body parts. Me still not used to these technolody :\

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YTRU Approch Enterprise selling ORGANIC comestics, here is Zuii from Australia, foundation selling for about RM80, loose powder about RM120, makeup has officially become organic… haha

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Dr Oasis which is kinda cool product, its motto is “The Power of Water” i find it is a mild skincare product but still does its job in cleansing, remove dead cells really well, its eye mask is selling for RM150, original price RM300, all the products is 50% off in this beauty fair, hydrating cleansing milk(RM170) really does remove surface dead skin cells.

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Dermadex, a well known beauty house which source for all the good skin care products around the world.

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Singapore’s Anthomi Marketing Supply, everything is Buy 1 Free 1 during beauty fair

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Freebra, looks exactly like nubra, only RM16 in Beauty9 Expo, outside selling for RM100

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foot spa equipments etc

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nail art corner

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OPI nail colour, RM45 each or RM33.60 each(minimum 3 pcs, for Naganail members)

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Creative Publication Media Sdn Bhd selling magazine called Jasmine(Aug 2009 issue) for RM4, and free RM30 goodies bag, so much for my cheap thrills 😀

Resize of IMGP1359nnail art diamontes, studs and other sparkly stuff, only RM1 each. This is pprobably the cheapest nail art bin here… haha… others selling for 3 for RM5, o1 for RM5.90 etc.

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Scissor from Jaguar from Germany

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one of the cutesy scissor RM300

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my loot: cleansing pad for removing blackhead RM2.90, etude house selling this for so much more (Buy 1 free 1, which i got a nail filer), 3 for RM5 nail arts stencils, RM1 each nail art diamontes, RM2.90 hair thingy

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and the RM4 backdated chinese fashion mags which got me lots of free stuff: la senze thong, more than 20 sachets of Lancome UV cream, 2 packs of lucidol rollers, body mist from ginvera and 2 bottles of wet tissue.

Website: Beauty9 Expo



Posted by vivien | Non-Food Related | Thursday 11 June 2009 11:02 am
20,905 Total Views

Kiehl’s is an American brand that made landing in Malaysia just this past year (i think), first flagship store in Pavillion and currently they have a store in MidValley Shopping Center, ground floor (near Vincci shoe store). I was looking for moisturiser for the face, and they recommended me 4 choices, and gave me 4 samples(2 are made from Yerba Mate(green colored packets) and 2 others).
The ones they recommended are:
1. Yerba Mate Tea Lotion, alright (cost RM150 i think)
2. Yerba Mate Gel Cream, a bit too rich for me
3. Sodium PCA Oil Free Moisturizer, the name of this product enough to freak some ppl out i guess, i mean it is like what kind of chemical am i putting onto my face?! but it really feel “humectant” just as it claim, it forms a film over your skin, and probably a good barrier between skin and make up
4. Ultra Facial Moisturizer, feel like a good normal moisturiser, also because i think it is expensive too
Skincare, healthcare, health supplements are probably the most profitable business of all, i mean how do i ever knows it works, and even that i have to spend so much to find out… especially skincare, with all the claims of certain products, and promises to reduce dark circles, fine lines, it is like does it really work… who knows it is just some beautiful words to pander to every girls dream to be young and beautiful.
Also, currently Vichy is on promotion till 14 June 2009, in Watson, 20-30% off, this is a brand which i tried before, not mistaken it is a Montreal-Canadian/French brand… ah i am so unwilling to part with $$ for… :S hahaha
Anyway, just in case you want to try Kiehl’s products, they are now giving out samples, go get some ;P


Lavshuca makeup

Posted by vivien | Journal | Friday 24 April 2009 10:28 am
35,097 Total Views

Sis in law bought these makeup for me while she went back to Taiwan. I am a noob in makeup, in fact it is her who keep on pushing me to makeup, buying me and giving me her makeup which i use while visit Malaysia, but were left to dry up after she left… haha… We joke that it was a way to attract bees while i was still single… While i do like good makeup on people, they look good, tidy, nice lashes, perfect skin, i am just too lazy for it, like seriously my trip to work takes almost 1 hour, i rather sleep more. guess i am not used to makeup. I will use it soon, hopefully since already bought makeup remover.
Above clockwise from left: eyeshadow, control base, lip gloss, makeup base, eyeshadow, blush. According to her, control base(which has slight shimmer) should be applied first, follow by the makeup base(foundation like)…
Lavshuca is under Kanebo, and currently as far i know not available in Malaysia.
Website: Lavshuva


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