Poutine, french fries topped with cheese and gravy

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Wednesday 12 November 2008 8:32 am
11,641 Total Views

No food post, but food rambling today, have you heard of a food called Poutine? It originates from Quebec Canada(a province where most speak french), it is situated towards the eastern side of Canada, also east of Toronto (Toronto is not capital of Canada, but the lesser known city Ottawa is)
Poutine consist of shoestring fries, sprinkled with shredded mozarella cheese(those use for pizza), then pour on gravy(those you get in KFC mash potatoes), and behold, a delicious snack, Poutine, I had it during my study time in Canada whereby i work in the school canteen, and they serve poutine on certain days of the week, and at time i made them, just as described above, And lo and behold, they are snatched up quickly.
So far, i have not seen any restaurant in Malaysia offering poutine, i think some restaurant do offer chili fries, which is fries top with chili, Wendy’s does served something similar, which is baked potatoes topped with chillis, but chili(pic below) is not my thing.

For more info on poutine, you can view this site, perhaps a MIT students, usually poutine recipe will specify cheese curd, don’t think they sell cheese curds in Malaysia, shredded mozarella will do just fine.
There is something quite comforting in eating fries, and poutine is like a step up, imagine picking a piece of fries up with stringy cheese, sorta like pulling a piece of pizza out of the pan, and soft stringy cheese, ummm… unfortunately, they is no where for me to satisfy my poutine craving in KL :\


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