How to make Swiss Roll

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Thursday 25 June 2009 10:52 am
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Recipe taken from hsling, written in chinese. Above is sifted flour (superfine flour/Pau flour + corn flour) and liquid mixture(egg yolk, yoghurt, canola oil)
Mix up the above dry and wet ingredients together till it become smooth
on the other hand, bet up the egg white, above is 4 egg white, i am using large egg.
beat it till it become frothy, about 1 minute
add in sugar
continue beating, about 4 minuts till it become stiff and glossy, one way to determine is when you hold the mixing bowl upside down, the meringue won’t flow down. Remember not to continue beating once it reach this stage, else the stiff structure will be broken down and it will be back to liquid(i never tried this before, that is what i heard :P)
take half of the meringue and lightly mix it into the flour-yoghurt-etc mixture.
The flour-yogurt-etc mixture is well mixed with half of the meringue
Now, mix both mixture by folding. Folding is an essential technique for cake making. Unfortunately i didn’t take any photo to show you folding action, it is essentially bringing the spatula to the bottom of the mixture by “slicing” the spatula from the side of the bowl, and then bring up the mixture from bottom to the top. Good folding technique ensure the cake turn out soft and well-risen.
well incorporated
ready to be bake, level the cake that the middle is just slightly lower than the side, as cake usually rise more in the middle.
finished baking
flip the cake over on top of another baking sheet, peel of the baking sheet
this is the only jam available in my house- thick apricot jam by St Dalfour.
Spread jam thinly on top(remember to roll this cake while it is still warm, as cake won’t roll well after cool)
roll it up, the brownish skin stick to the bottom baking sheet, so here is my naked swiss roll… haha
cross section, very yummy and soft. Highly Recommended, unlike the previous Cheese Slice Cake i made which recipe is from the same site-hsling.


1 Comment

  1. Comment by burpandslurp — June 28, 2009 @ 11:04 pm

    Looks really light and delicious! I love swiss roll!

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