Recipe: Orange Walnut Cake

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Monday 11 February 2013 2:00 pm
10,437 Total Views

Recipe taken from Lottie + Doof

Below metric amount of ingredients i used

  • 190 gram walnut pulsed into rough ground walnuts
  • 150 gram all purpose flour (the actual batter is very liquid, i added 1 Tablespoon more flour, but it is still very liquid, but in the end the cake turn out fine)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 4 large eggs
  • 150 gram cups sugar
  • 125g freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons finely grated orange peel
  • 1/2 cup olive oil (i used a whole tea cup of oil which i previously measured to be half a cup in amount




this is how liquid the cake batter looks like. The batter turns out very liquid, very much like a pancake batter, i added i think i tablespoonful of flour to it, but still remain very liquidy, there is no batter-trail when it is poured into the cake pan.




To show how liquidy the batter it, this is bottom of springform pan, there are a little batter seeping out from bottom of pan


But at the end, the cake turns out nice and yummy, the orange zest did its part of elevating the aroma and deliciousness of this cake. The cake look dense here, but the walnut oil etc manage to make it yummy.


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