Recipe: Spaghetti Bolognese

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 3 February 2013 8:36 pm
9,105 Total Views


Just started cooking and still watery, this recipe is ok, just gonna use less nutmeg as it make the spaghetti slightly too sourish. On a side note, The Humble Chef mobile van(operating from 9:30 onwards, best to arrive 9:30 sharp and before 10pm to as the crowd pile on quick and before long they won’t be any seating place) RM5 bolognese spaghetti in Damansara is creamy and tomatoey nice, just had it yesterday




1 medium carrot, diced

250g tomato, chopped

1 pack cherry tomato, chopped

2 red onion, diced

3 cloves garlic

500g meat

2 cans whole peeled tomato with its juice


oregano flakes

1/2 nutmeg grinded

0.5 cup white wine ( i bought the cheapest type available in Jusco for RM29)

Olive oil


This recipe is combined from 2 sources(Imbi & Itchy & The Kitchn), excluding ingredients which i find won’t be using much in cooking 😛

1. Heat olive oil, cook onion and carrot till onion becomes translucent. Stir in garlic till fragrant, roughly stir taking care not to brown to garlic

2. Add in meat, nutmeg, oregano, salt & pepper. Brown the meat till no pinkish meat is seen.

3. Add wine, canned tomato, chopped tomato, chopped cherry tomatoes

4. Simmer for 30 minutes or so till the sauce thickens

5. Serve with spaghetti


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