Curry Chicken

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Sunday 8 February 2009 8:17 am
8,719 Total Views

So what i did with the leftover chili paste from Curry Puff? Chicken curry of course. First buy half a coconut(grated) for RM0.80
pan fried potatoes so that it get cook faster later. here is 1.2kg, i kinda go over a bit. However, didn’t like this potato, as it is too floury, keep sticking to the pan and not browning properly. All this 1.2kg comes from 4 big potato, next time should buy the smaller ones, less floury ones i guess.
fry chicken in the chili paste, it looks hot here, but it really isn’t
two coconut presses: left it first press, the the right is second press.
put in the second press of coconut (more diluted one)
put in potato
put in the first press coconut towards the end.
Verdict: chicken curry has definitely seen better days. it is not spicy at all, taste like curry, but not spicy at all, taste slightly sweet(could be the onions in the chili paste…), not aromatic. disappointing.


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