Cameron Highland, Brinchang, Night market and dinner

Posted by vivien | Others | Wednesday 23 September 2009 7:19 pm
14,617 Total Views

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a stall selling deep fried oyster mushroom, vegetables, inoki mushroom etc, this stuff really addictive!

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a display of food they deep fried, RM2 – RM2.50 each box

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some strawberry ice sticks contraptionResize of 21092009156

yummy, sourish sweet strawberry ice stick for only RM1Resize of 21092009158

dinner at a nearby corner coffee shop, the toufu/beancurd is from Tualang, Perak(place famous for fresh water prawn), yummy tofuResize of 21092009159

steamed fish with soy sauce

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steamed chicken(nice solid meat)Resize of 21092009161

vege soup

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fried “paku-pakis” two-style


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