No-knead bread by Mark Bittman (Jim Lahey of Sullivan Street Bakery)

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Saturday 27 September 2008 10:05 am
22,851 Total Views

This recipe i tried is from Mark Bittman (a celebrity chef of TV show “How to cook everything”, and food blogger of “NY Times”…). He got this recipe from Jim Lachey of Sullivan Street Bakery, located in New York City. Check out his blog at

Note: I don’t recommend you try this recipe, as this bread is rusticly chewy and slight sourish, anyway recipe taken from

What so interesting bout this bread is that you don’t need to do the dirty works, namely kneading the bread, thus called No-knead bread.

Mix all the ingredients, all 4 of them
1. flour, here i use 2 cup all purpose flour and 1 cup wholemeal flour.
2. instant yeast
3. salt
4. water!
That’s so simple, mix it all up with a chopstick here.

all mixed up

sealed it up with saran wrap

all poof up after ~ 18 hours in room temperature(no direct sunlight). Recipe recommend 12-18 hours in room temperature.

during this time, take out the dough, shape it into a ball, coat the dough with adequate flour to prevent it from sticking to your hand, put into a container layered with cotton towel, top it off with another cotton towel, and let it rise till double in size. (~ 1 hour)

Heat the pyrex for about 30 minutes in very high heat 230 celcius. Making sure the pyrex is throughly heated will prevent the bread dough from sticking to the container while baking.

here with the bread dough inside, with pyrex covering it. Here, the bread will be “steamed”.(~ 30 minutes) and remove cover and bake for another 15 minutes making sure it is beautiful brown. ;p

Finished product. As you can see, i dust on too much flour, flour tapped off on the side.

cross section.

Well, this is a fun recipe to try. you don’t need to get dirty and it is actually quite easy, just make sure you have time to wait round(waiting it to rise, heating pyrex, “steaming”, baking…)

After baking, you can eat one piece and throw the rest away if it is not nice… jk, or throw it a someone if you are angry, haha, homemake bread is full of substance, it is not light for sure… haha


Kin Heng restaurant, Jalan Ipoh, near The Store

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Saturday 20 September 2008 10:00 am
22,781 Total Views

This restaurant is located nearby the Store (Jalan Ipoh), next the 7-eleven.
crab per kg, RM28
lala, RM12, sooo goood
Steam crab with egg-white, my favourite.
total damage: RM42


Simply Penang, Bandar Puteri Puchong, near Giant

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Saturday 20 September 2008 9:44 am
22,326 Total Views

drinks here are quite cheap, especially umbra with sour plum(my favourite)
This restaurant is very near citibank Bandar Puteri Puchong, just walk along the shop away from Giant hypermarket.
used to watch “Jalan jalan cari makan” with its plum host, oops.
soya mix(RM2.50), Umbra(RM2.90) cheap eh?
Fish slice mee hoon, very good, sour, milky, yumm.
Prawn mee, nothing spectacular.
The food portion here are quite big, so if you are hungry, definitely a place to go.


Japanese Cheesecake with pepperidge cookie base

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Saturday 20 September 2008 9:33 am
19,454 Total Views
Since i have pepperidge cookie which sits in the freezer(it doesn’t taste good, no matter what they say on packaging: warming up the cookie in oven, it still taste sweet and nothing spectacular), i decided to make a cheesecake, since i have a food blog, why not?

meringue, almost dripping to the  table, i tink i don’t beat it enough, only till soft peak stage.
nah, here are the cookie, being lazy and experimental, decided to just lay the cookie like that.
cheesecake batter
finished product.
finished product, see the cookie layer… haha
recipe taken from
Japanese cheesecake,
Colleague and friends commented. Some say a bit sweet because of the cookie layer, i think so too, while others say it taste nice. Mum say it doesn’t rise much, yeah think it is due to the egg white not beaten long enough.


Pan Mee / Mee Hoon Kueh, Jinjang

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Saturday 20 September 2008 9:08 am
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21,497 Total Views

This stall is in Jinjang(near Kepong), my childhood favourite till now, and swear by it, yeah, it is thick with substance, not those flimsy mee-hoon-kueh which look more like kuey-tiaw.
Their ice lemon tea is also superb, but remember to ask them lessen the sugar of it will taste indiany sweet. They use fresh lemon, and their fridge is full of lemons.
Price: RM3.50(small), RM4(big)
Operating hours: Mon-Saturday 6pm – about midnight (Sunday off)
Telephone number: 016-335 0929
Map to pan mee stall, it is kinda complicated, as part of the road is a back road. But just ask around for Chui Wah restaurant, i guess all the Jinjang people will know Chui Wah restaurant, the stall is just opposite of Chui Wah
Update 11 April 2009:
They have char kuey tiaw too, decent.


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