How to cook glutinuous rice

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Thursday 19 March 2009 11:49 am
28,049 Total Views

Glutinous rice is one of my favourite dish, i love it as i am a rice person. This blog is slowly turning so much into a recipe and cooking site than food review site, not sure it is a good thing… hehe, but as long as it taste good, and worth mentioning, it will be here to stay. I did wonder how to cook such dish until i stumble upon one of the newspaper cutting recipe that mum religiously cut down, but never really make them. It was about 7 years ago when i first made it, and up till down, have done it several times. yum yum especially love the rice when it is really soft and stickyish. Above is dried mushroom.
some black fungus (can buy this in chinese grocery store if you are from oversea)
some dried oyster, usually i don’t put this, but they are some left in the fridge, so better used it up.
soak one pack of glutinuos rice overnight(500gm pack), next day, pour away the water till it is kinda dry, steam it for about 20 mins, use fork to separate grains half way thru to make sure all grains are steamed properly.
fry shallot/onion + garlic till fragrant, add in chicken, fried till the chicken is slightly browned.
add in the sliced mushroom, black fungus, dried oyster, the water you see above is the water used to soak mushroom(don’t throw away the “mushroom water”, the recipe did specify chicken stock, but mushroom water is fine)
add in the steamed glutinous rice, the rice will soak up the water nicely.
here you see it is fully soak up. If it seems a bit too soupy, you can stir it till it dries up. Scoop it up for savouring.
For make it more delish, i prefer to steam this dish when i want to eat it, so that the rice get even softer, like those in chinese dim sum.
above is the recipe which i copied from newspaper cutting, in chinese. 😛


1 Comment

  1. Comment by Big Boys Oven — March 20, 2009 @ 5:15 am

    this is cool! much be very yummy tasty!

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