3 days 2 night training in Singapore

Posted by vivien | Others: Singapore | Saturday 16 May 2009 9:56 am
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Another training session in Microsoft Singapore, there is total 6 trips to Singapore in 2 months, and this is the 5th, getting tiring, and dehydrated skin… however, not complaining much for these trips… 😛 Waking up at 3am, pack my stuff, take taxi… flight at 7am, above is my very early breakfast in LCCT, Happy Meal(with ice Milo) for RM8.75
premier room in Hotel Peninsula Excelsior. current promotion 154++ for premier room(room + 2 breakfast + internet). Made a mistake last time, during previous trips, we were upgraded to “premier club” room which is better and more spacious than this one.
“premier” room
breakfast is uninspiring though, this is what i had, roughly the same thing everyday, just minor changes, fried rice to fried meehoon, mash potatoes to hash brown, you get the drift.
some FOC Ceres drink in Microsoft Singapore, they provide all sorts of drinks for your consumption.
even an Xbox(FIFA i think) next to the cafeteria at 21st floor of One Marina Boulevard building
Ogawa massage chair(same room as Xbox)
cafeteria food: Salmon chowder, i down 2 of these, S$1.50 per cup, quite nice.
sad chicken, i am bored with the rice dishes already. ~S$4.80
vegetables toasties
Chicken teriyaki burger, ~S$5.20
my spicy tomato spagetti, just ok, S$5.80
final meal in Changi Airport – Airport Staff Canteen(terminal 1, level B1), above for only S$4.50, in an airport! It is pig stomach soup with rice, so warm and comforting for my tired body.


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