MIFB Malaysian International Food & Beverage Exhibition, PWTC, July 11, 2009 (Saturday)

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Monday 13 July 2009 10:29 am
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Continue from where i left about MIFB, this is the cake decorating starts… where cream are spread on top of sponge cake.
mounting 2 slabs of cream on 2 ends of the cake, still no idea what he want to scuplt on the cake.
More cream
OK, back to where it began, this is the hall where public visitor pay RM10, and trade visitor fill in a form attaching their business card and walk in FOC.
a 3 days exhibition, no shorts/bermuda and slippers allowed. Purpose of MIFB to for forging business between local businessman and exhibitors(local and foreign). I also have my fair share of trying out the samples, and having mild stomach discomfort after that :\
Grounds nut for sale
Korean citrusy drink, quite nice, big jar for RM25.(outside selling for about RM34)
bread dip in olive and spice blend.
sampling belgian waffle
turkish exhibitors
anchovies snacks for sale (from Thailand)
Dates for sampling, not bad.
dried fruits
karipap/curry puff
this is good. “Smiling Fish”, full of flavor.
seaweed drink, not bad
Fitrah, another seaweed drink
Pran Orange Juice
Taiwanese booth, abalone mushroom, ppl are fighting for this, so hard to get a picture without any hand blocking the dish… hahaha
Look at the amount of ppl crowding Taiwan booth, the also serve out taro chips, however they are not for sale, just for sampling, a little too sweet though 😛
dried fruits and nuts
Philiphines mangos, if not mistaken, they selling 200g for RM10, whereas supermarket selling 100g for RM6.50
spicy tomato juice(non-alchoholic) which taste like bloody mary(according to the seller)
chinese tea from Shanghai
various glassware for sale, friend bought a glass cup with filter(for tea) for RM50
Flower tea, RM8/pc. If you buy the flower tea in bulk(more than 200pcs), they will sell you RM5/pc, and postage from Shanghai to Malaysia will be born by them.
insterested to import fish? you can negotiate with this booth from China.
More dates
Non-halal pork sausage, quite tasty
Okamizu Food Detoxifier
Cooking mix, any 3(mixes/bottled sauce) for only RM10. Buy 3 free 1!! Left is prawn in oat, right is sambal chicken.
dessert (apom balik with corn / sausage)
honey from Yemen, funny guy, saying it can prevent H1N1
Oxygen water, technology originated from Canada. cool conical cup
3 bottles for RM10, so expensive!
Dragonfruit drink
Keropok Lekor/fish crackers (500g for RM4.50, 1kg for RM6)
coconut jelly and coconut water(RM2 each)
Carrefour booth selling fishes
nice smoke fish canapes
Roti John (Malay style french toast)
AB Mauri serving Cheese rolls and carrot walnut cake, Delicious!
Station 1 Cafe selling finger food and Yestea samples
bite size kebab/satay
Korean seawood in bamboo salt, 4 pack for only RM10, no MSG, nice
Taiwan Crispy Fried Chicken
end with AB Mauri stall
Website: MIFB – Malaysia International Food And Beverage


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