Recipe: soy milk

Posted by vivien | Recipe | Wednesday 27 January 2016 2:00 pm
79,856 Total Views

Makes 5 to 6 big cups of soy drink, not a lot actually

300g dried soy bean, soak in water for at least 6 hours room temperature or overnight in fridge

1.7kg – 2.5kg water

sugar to taste, preferably cane sugar

pandan leaf

optional: ginger slices

1. Blend the soaked soy bean in small batches with just enough water that the blender could fully blend the soy bean, squeeze out all the liquid using muslin cloth.

2. I normally re-blend the squeezed blended soy bean for 3 times till the blended mixture looks liquidy and less opaque, meaning most soy flavor has been extracted. In this re-blending way, i don’t need to squeeze each batch too hard 😛

* Sometimes in the last blending, i blend the ginger & pandan together with the soy for more ginger & pandan taste

2. Cook with pandan leaf, ginger slices and sugar till a lot of foam surface, meaning it is fully boiled. Careful are it won’t boil like normal water do, basically sign of it boiling is a thick layer of soy foam rising and rising, and before you know it, it overflows… the foam will be a lot, refer below picture…


Yum, full of thick soy flavor, a notch up above those bought outside, especially nice when served chilled


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