Working on a Saturday morning

Posted by vivien | Journal | Saturday 4 July 2009 12:23 am
11,316 Total Views

What am i doing in office on a saturday morning, and what more blogging away, simply to do customer support. It is basically their reports not tally, can’t do month-end closing, and my boss calling me after work yesterday asking me to come office to support them on Saturday morning… just want to solve this quick now. What’s troublesome is that after i updated the Oracle files, they need to do a “Generation” step which will take approx 2 hours, and now i have to wait… :\  A programer’s life.
Above is OldTown White Coffee breakfast set, RM3.90 set, upgrade the coffee/black tea option to milk tea for additional RM1, taste good.
Website: OldTown White Coffee



  1. Comment by mimid3vils — July 7, 2009 @ 1:15 am

    half boil egg take away?

  2. Comment by Vivien — July 14, 2009 @ 3:35 am

    ya, you have the option that they crack the egg for you (like i did) or have 2 half boiled egg packed whole for you.


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