Pizzeria Grazie, Street Mall, Cyberjaya

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Sunday 6 September 2009 11:59 am
10,898 Total Views

Mushroom soup, taste like campell’s soup from can, RM6.80
Insalada A.B. Italia aka Smoke Salmon Salad, RM13.80, quite a steal as it comes with slices of smoke salmon and cheese spirals

Fetuccine al Salmon, RM19.90
A resonably priced restaurant to have some western food, though the food may not taste authentically italian with al dente pasta, but it is good enough to satisfy a italian food craving.

Address: Pizzeria Grazie (Kool Luck Sdn Bhd)
4210, Lot SP-1 & SP-2,
Street Mall Persiaran Multimedia,
63000 Cyberjaya,
Telephone: 03-8319 3328
Price: 10% service charge
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1 Comment

  1. Comment by Rusdi Jent — October 6, 2010 @ 11:16 pm

    I,ve been a few times here. U all should try Spaghetti Concoza, ala Roberto and lasagna…i’m sure u’ll find it tasty

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