Hoi Kee, Taman Desa, Jalan Klang Lama

Posted by vivien | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor | Tuesday 1 January 2013 12:08 pm
29,919 Total Views


Hoi Kee originally in Jalan Sambanthan Brickfields have finally reset their restaurant near KL city, ie Taman Desa, opened around September 2012, last year.


Their default sauce for steamed fish is with  little ginger paste and lots of oyster sauce. Since we are not fan of oyster sauce, thus specifically ask for ginger paste only, yummy!


When we visited last year during their opening, mee sua heng hwa style, ie with oyster and seaweed is not yet available, thus was served the above fried mee sua which doesn’t taste nice.


Address: Hoi Kee Heng Hwa

No 16, Jalan 1/109E, Desa Business Park,

Taman Desa,

off Jalan Klang Lama,

58100, Kuala Lumpur

Telephone: 03-7981 8878

Business hour: 12noon till 3pm & 6pm – 10pm


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